The emissions risks of AI data center buildout

Commitments to massively expand infrastructure for artificial intelligence (AI) have accelerated significantly within the past year. The January 21st announcement of Project Stargate — a four-year, $500 billion push to scale AI infrastructure in the US by OpenAI, Microsoft, NVIDIA, SoftBank, and others — represents an unprecedented scale of infrastructure investment in a single technology sector. 

It’s likely that power-hungry AI infrastructure will continue to grow and will need to be served by electricity generation in some form, existing or new, renewable or fossil-fueled, on-site or across town. If managing the climate impacts of this growth is a priority, then emissions impacts should be considered when evaluating the options for how to meet the growing AI demand. Already, AI-driven electricity demand has increased the emissions of large companies like Google and is threatening their climate goals. 

Forecasts for data centers’ ballooning electricity demand

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) recently projected that data centers could consume between 6.7% and 12% of US electricity by 2028, a 2-3x increase from 2023. The corresponding load growth from data centers alone is in the range of 145-400 TWh, which may require some 33-91 GW of new generation capacity to be built by 2028. That's a massive amount of new electricity generation. That's also just for the US, a leader — but far from the only — player in the AI landscape.

The LBNL report is one to take seriously. It was created by researchers, some of whom have been loudly skeptical of AI, to fulfill a 2020 request from Congress. These numbers are in line with or relatively low compared to other recent projections. Meanwhile, Chinese AI startup DeepSeek’s announcement last week that it managed to produce a powerful model with a fraction of the compute compared to leading AI companies is a reminder that efficiency gains are likely. These numbers are constantly in flux.

Estimating the emissions implications of data center load growth

The implications of how new electricity is supplied are massive. If all LBNL’s projected U.S. data center load growth through 2028 were served exclusively by natural gas generation (the most prevalent source of generation in the US currently), it would result in about 180 million tonnes of additional CO2 emissions annually. If it were a country, that would make it the 45th largest emitter. 

The emissions impact of this massive buildout depends entirely on choices made today about where to site these facilities and how to power them. A particular computing load, depending on time and location, could cause coal to be burned in Wyoming, or gas to be burned in California, or could cause no emissions at all if it absorbs surplus wind power in Kansas or Texas.

The speed demanded by AI development timelines creates pressure to choose quick solutions over optimal ones. While co-located gas-fired power might seem like an expedient and economically wise choice, particularly given current political signals or to avoid long interconnection queues, it also comes with future fuel cost risk and creates long-term emissions lock-in that will be increasingly difficult to unwind as climate pressures mount.

Ultimately, the emissions impacts are dependent on which power plants will serve the new electrical demand of these facilities. When a new grid-connected data center is switched on, one or more existing power plants will ramp up to meet the demand. In some cases, new power plants will be built to make sure enough generation capacity is available to serve the new load. 

The emissions caused when existing power plants respond to changes in load (or new plants are built) are measured by marginal emissions rates. We can use these marginal emissions rates of electricity grids to compare the climate outcomes of different data center scenarios — both the emissions caused by which data centers get built where, and also the emissions consequences of associated impacts on marginal emissions by that load and any new power plants that get built.

Siting new data centers to cause fewer emissions

Let's compare and contrast two significant data center hubs: Northern Virginia's Data Center Alley (in the PJM grid) and Texas's emerging AI corridor (in ERCOT), where the first Stargate data center is being constructed in Abilene. The induced emissions impact of a grid-connected 100 MW data center operating at 95% capacity differs substantially between locations.

A 100 MW data center in Northern Virginia would result in about 463,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions annually, while the same facility in Texas would produce about 386,000 tonnes (17% lower).

These, of course, aren’t the only places where new data centers could get built, and in fact, neither location represents the optimal case from an induced emissions perspective.

For example, the same 100 MW facility built in Kansas (in SPP) would produce about 358,000 tonnes of CO2 annually (23% lower than in Virginia). Further, building it in Northern California (CAISO) would produce about 309,000 tonnes (an even greater 33% reduction vs. Virginia). What Kansas and California have in common is an oversupply of clean and renewable energy for many hours of the year — wind in one and solar in the other.

These calculations assume constant operation near maximum capacity throughout the year, typical for large data centers with critical workloads. While actual emissions would vary based on specific operating patterns and grid conditions, these numbers illustrate the massive emissions implications of siting decisions for new AI infrastructure.

Siting data centers in grids with lower marginal emissions rates can cut the potential induced emissions by up to half. That’s massive.

Data center induced emissions by grid region

Building new clean power where it can avoid more emissions

As new data centers increasingly look to bring their own clean power (or procure it), this also opens the question of where that new clean generation should get built to not just meet data center load growth but also avoid the most fossil emissions. (In practice, which power plants get built where has many influences, including the capacity needs of a specific balancing area, interconnection queues, transmission constraints, and other factors. But for now, let’s assume total freedom to choose your location.)

With this in mind, siting new data centers on grids with lower marginal emissions rates is only half the story. The electricity generation supply side of the equation is the other.

There are two dominant ways new power plants could get built for data centers: a) co-located within the same grid balancing area as the data center itself, and b) siting the new clean power on grids with higher marginal emissions rates, and thus where new wind or solar could avoid more fossil emissions.

Continuing our earlier example of would-be new data centers in either Northern Virginia’s Data Center Alley or Texas’s emerging AI corridor, let’s look at a few scenarios for emissions implications, depending on where new wind or solar capacity gets built in association with the new data center load. For example:

We see a clear pattern. When renewables sized to 100% of data center load are procured from within the same grid as the data center, those renewables have a more-modest avoided emissions effect relative to the data center load’s induced emissions. On the other hand, siting data centers on grids with lower marginal emissions rates — and then investing in new renewable capacity on grids with higher marginal emissions rates (where wind and solar displace more fossil fuel generation) — can generate substantial net reductions in total emissions. This approach to building renewable energy in the most impactful places regardless of where data centers are built is already being used by Amazon, Meta, Apple, and Salesforce.

Renewable energy avoided emissions by grid region

The role of compute load shifting to further reduce emissions

While siting decisions have the largest impact on emissions, there's also potential to reduce emissions of data center use through smart load management. Data centers, particularly those running AI training workloads, require extremely reliable, constant power. Once a training run starts, interruptions can waste days or weeks of compute time. This makes them less flexible than other types of new electricity demand like EV charging, where timing can be shifted to match clean energy availability. 

But many data center workloads, like batch processing and cooling, are timing flexible, so shifting that energy use to times of the day when marginal emissions are lower, like when renewables are being wasted, can achieve large emissions reductions.

While load shifting alone won't solve data center emissions, it represents another tool for reducing emissions impact, particularly for facilities that handle workloads beyond AI model training that are flexible. These techniques are already being used by Microsoft, UBS, and other members of the Green Software Foundation.

Data centers will require massive amounts of energy, even if we don’t know precisely how much. And the combination of high reliability requirements and constant load patterns means careful planning is crucial — rushed infrastructure decisions could lock in unnecessarily high emissions for decades. 


At a moment when electrification is accelerating across the economy, from vehicles to buildings, the surge in AI infrastructure presents both a challenge and an opportunity. By making smart decisions now about where to build data centers, how to power them, and how to operate them, we can ensure a revolution in compute drives rather than hinders the clean energy transition.

The unprecedented scale of AI infrastructure investment — from Stargate's $500 billion commitment to the broader industry — represents the largest concentrated buildout of computing power in history. Every decision about where and how to build this infrastructure matters more than ever.

image source: iStock | Gerville

UNFCCC marginal emissions data show that building renewables in the Global South has greatest benefit

For companies and other organizations investing in new renewable energy projects, two main strategies guide their procurement:

  1. 24/7 Carbon-Free Energy (24/7 CFE): focuses on hour-by-hour megawatt-hour (MWh) matching of renewable generation’s timing and a corporation’s electricity demand load profile, with the clean energy procured from the same grid region where the electricity load is located
  2. Emissionality: an emissions-first approach that targets the dirtiest grids globally, procuring clean energy from wherever the new renewable capacity will have the greatest avoided emissions benefit by displacing generation from the most-polluting fossil-fueled power plants

These two strategies have important implications for where clean energy investment will flow and where new renewable capacity will get built, and consequently, on how much (or how little) climate benefit those projects will ultimately have.

In this analysis, we use marginal emissions data from the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) to gain insights into these questions, especially: Does location matter for the avoided emissions benefit of a new renewable energy project? And if so, where should new renewable energy projects get built to have the greatest overall climate benefit?

Tapping the UNFCCC’s marginal emissions data

To better understand the beneficial impact of new renewable projects across the globe, the UNFCCC — the UN body that oversees the Paris Agreement — developed a methodology for estimating the long-term impact on grid emissions in each country around the world. UNFCCC’s combined margin emissions factors take into account both operating margin and build margin, giving a sense for renewable energy’s climate benefit in the nearer and longer terms.

Using data from the IEA’s Global Energy and Climate Model (previously known as the World Energy Model) — which underpins IEA’s annual World Energy Outlook — UNFCCC experts calculated the marginal emissions rates resulting from predicted new generation across both traditional firm energy sources (e.g., fossil fuels, nuclear, geothermal) as well as clean energy technologies (e.g., solar PV, wind, tidal). The IEA model incorporates information on existing energy sources, economics, and policies in 26 large countries and regions, with additional regression modeling for other countries, making it comprehensive in breadth and scale.

Mapping renewable energy’s avoided emissions potential

Looking at a global heat map of marginal emissions rates for new renewable energy sources, the greatest avoided emissions potential based on UNFCCC data is primarily located in the Global South, in countries spanning Asia, Africa, and Eastern Europe (red shades on the map). These countries’ grids tend to rely on heavier-polluting sources of generation, such as coal-fired power plants.

Conversely, the lowest avoided emissions potential is primarily in the Global North, in countries spanning the EU and North America, as well as select countries elsewhere around the world where hydropower (and sometimes, nuclear) provides a dominant share of electricity generation (blue shades on the map).

Power grid combined marginal emissions factor by country map of the world

Multiplying the avoided emissions benefit of renewable energy investment

For any organization deciding where to invest in new renewable capacity, using marginal emissions estimates like these from UNFCCC can lead to much larger reductions in overall global emissions.

In Annex I countries (which largely overlaps with the Global North), the average avoided emissions rate (weighted by total electricity generation) is 345 g CO2/kWh. Meanwhile, countries in the top 50% of most-polluting power grids have an avoided emissions potential of 702 g CO2/kWh, and countries among the top 10% of most-polluting electricity generation have an avoided emissions rate of 979 g CO2/kWh. These heavier-polluting power grids are predominantly throughout the Global South.

In other words, investing in renewable energy projects across the Global South can yield 2x to nearly 3x greater climate benefit vs. renewables projects in the Annex I countries of the Global North. Organizations considering siting renewable energy — whether bilateral national agreements now being drafted under the revised Article 6 framework of the Paris Agreement, or voluntary corporate actors using the GHG Protocol — may want to consider UNFCCC’s data when deciding where to invest in renewable energy projects.

Avoided emissions rate of renewable energy projects by global countries category column chart

How procurement approach influences renewable energy’s potential

24/7 CFE proponents argue that it encourages the buildout of renewables that would generate during “off” hours, helping power grids move closer to 100% clean energy around the clock. This may be partly true. But it also amounts to massive investment aimed at “squeezing the last drop” of emissions from grids that have already significantly decarbonized. This misses opportunities for major larger global decarbonization by building renewables in other places where they’d have greater avoided emissions benefits and where coal-fired generation still dominates the grid mix.

Moreover, some of 24/7 CFE’s biggest proponents are major tech companies whose operations and data centers are overwhelmingly located in the EU, US, and other Global North locations. These are regions that have already seen large investment in new wind and solar capacity, especially. Meanwhile, Global South locations — the same places where UNFCCC marginal emissions data show there are the greatest avoided emissions opportunities — have seen chronic underinvestment in clean energy technologies, according to IEA data.

From a global climate action perspective, it’s far less impactful to inch California or Texas (where wind and solar have already made huge gains) closer to 100% carbon-free energy than it is to invest in new renewables in a place such as India, where coal still contributes more than 70% of the nation’s electricity generation and clean energy investment in 2024 was just one-fifth of what it was in the US.

On top of this compelling climate argument, there’s also the crucially important humanitarian component, too. Investing in renewable energy in Global South countries will also bring economic and health benefits by expanding energy access and reducing air pollution in the places that also have the worst air quality. Globally, 1 in 8 deaths are now attributed to air pollution, predominantly in countries with the most-polluting electric generation, since the same power plants spew both carbon dioxide and PM2.5.


The UNFCCC model is not the only model for estimating marginal emissions rates. In terms of long-run build margin in particular, it lacks many of the more-detailed features of other models such as Cambium, GenX, and PyPSA. In particular, it does not consider variance in emissions rates within a country, which can be great in large countries such as the US or China. But it is one of the only existing models that covers the entire globe, which is a critical consideration when evaluating emissions reductions. 

More research is needed to evaluate these different modeling approaches and to develop more detailed models across the globe, so that renewable energy investments can be targeted at the location where they have the most impact. For now, one thing is clear: data is increasingly pointing to the Global South as a critical focus for the world’s future renewable investment.

image source: iStock | rvimages

The methodology behind our latest global data expansion

This week we’re excited to announce a major, global geographic expansion of our flagship Marginal Operating Emissions Rate (MOER) carbon data signal — growing from 40 to 210 total countries and territories. You can read the full press release here. With this expansion to ~170 new geographies, WattTime now offers actionable marginal emissions data — available with 5-minute granularity and a combination of historical, real-time, and rolling 3-day forecast perspectives — for 99% of the world's electricity consumption.

MOER coverage map

Accurate, location-specific, timely, and granular MOER signals are central to a trio of solutions — carbon-aware load shifting, emissionality-based renewables siting and procurement, and supply chain decarbonization — that can save more than 9 gigatons of emissions every year. That’s equal to nearly 20% of total global carbon emissions. These solutions also accelerate the reduction of harmful air pollution that disproportionately affects the developing countries that often are last to gain access to technological solutions that improve their lives.

Adopting those three solutions at scale (and unlocking those 9+ gigatons of emissions reductions) depends on a truly global MOER signal. Which is why this week’s announcement represents an enormous step-change for what’s possible.

In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the foundational methodology driving our MOER models thus far, as well as the new methodologies that allowed our team to expand to substantially global data coverage.

The science behind WattTime’s current MOERs

When electricity demand rises or falls, or new wind or solar capacity gets built, which generators respond varies. Namely, a certain generator (or generators) ramp up or down — or turn on or off — in response to changes in load or new renewables added to the grid mix. These power plants on the edge of the dispatch stack order are what’s known as marginal generators, and their associated emissions are what’s described by our MOER signal. Sometimes polluting, fossil-fueled peaker plants might set the marginal emissions rate; at other times, surplus renewables being curtailed might be on the margin.

Scientists agree that such a marginal signal is the best way to guide (and measure the impact of) interventions such as cleaner EV charging to reduce emissions or the avoided emissions of building a new wind farm on a coal-heavy grid.

Our current-best MOER — with foundations in academic literature and iterated on by WattTime for over ten years — is based on causal, empirical modeling. In the grid regions of North America and Europe, we use robust, detailed, generator-level data inputs to refine and train our algorithms. For example, we incorporate generation and emissions data from individual power plants via the US EPA’s Continuous Emissions Monitoring System (CEMS). We get demand, interchange, and generation by fuel type data from the US Energy Information Administration (EIA) and European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E). We also integrate myriad other data sources into our overall modeling. For regions where these data are available, we feed it all into a binned regression model. The result is today considered WattTime's highest-quality methodology for the MOER signal type.

In regions where we have access to partial real-time and forecasted information about the status of the grid (such as demand or energy prices), but are lacking specific ground truth time series data such as emissions or generation by fuel type required to train a binned regression model, we use a proxy regression model where we use machine learning to identify a data-rich grid with similar characteristics to use as a proxy for the grid with partial data. The power plants for the region of interest are characterized by Climate TRACE and assembled into a supply curve that resembles economic dispatch for the proxy region, which is then used to estimate the MOER based on the real-time demand in the region. MOER data from this “Proxy Regression” model is available in countries such as Brazil, India, Chile, and Turkey. (Longtime WattTime partner Microsoft helped fund development of this method.)

But after deploying these higher-quality MOER signals for the grids of all countries with the necessary data, we still had not covered about 170 countries of the world. Yet many of these are the same countries where emissions are not yet falling, and it’s not good enough to just ignore them. Our latest MOER expansion fixes that in big ways, thanks to a novel modeling approach from our team.

Inside the methodology powering our global MOER expansion

With the goal of making MOER data truly global, we’ve employed a synthetic demand model for countries where we lack historical and real-time grid information. It extends and improves upon the 2021 work of Mattsson et al.

In lieu of actual real-time demand data (like those used in our proxy regression models), the Mattsson framework uses atmospheric estimations derived from ERA5 climate and weather data, along with demographic information, to model synthetic power demand with a mean absolute percentage error of only 8% when averaged by month and hour.

To model the MOER, we expanded upon Mattsson’s academic model to account for more geographic and economic diversity. This enabled us to produce estimates of real-time and forecasted demand. To productionize this, we needed to build a sophisticated weather data modeling pipeline, ingesting gigabytes of global weather data four times a day, thus producing timely synthetic demand estimates. Currently, we’re using these synthetic demand estimates as inputs to our existing proxy regression models in order to produce MOERs using a model we are calling the “Synthetic Demand Proxy Regression” model, or “Synthetic Proxy” for short.

While the MOER signals resulting from this method are inherently less accurate than those that we can derive using the binned regression model, they’re nevertheless useful for both carbon-aware load shifting and renewables siting — which unlocks significant emissions-reduction potential. Of course, data transparency will only increase in regions across the globe. As it does, we will vigilantly be upgrading our MOER signals according to higher-quality binned regression methodologies.

Putting global MOER data into action 

The MOER signals generated via our synthetic proxy regression models unlock potential to enable much more strategic emissions reductions decisions and automations, and in regions that have never before enjoyed access to such actionable data. Historically, granular and accessible emissions data have been far more accessible for countries in the Global North. This release is a major step in closing this gap, and opens up opportunities to drive emissions reductions and new solution possibilities across the Global South.

All WattTime data can be accessed through our API. Basic access is available for free to all users. Partners on our Pro data plan get full access to historical and forecast data, including premium support. Our partners with a global data license will automatically gain access to these new grid regions. Contact our team to learn more.

WattTime expands marginal emissions dataset globally to cover nearly 100% of world's electricity consumption

The nonprofit is working to eliminate the world's emissions data divide — and the inequitable approach to the energy transition — with the first-ever electricity marginal emissions dataset covering nearly every country and region, which can be leveraged to save the world more than 9 gigatons of carbon emissions annually.

OAKLAND, Calif., Oct. 23, 2024 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ -- Environmental tech nonprofit WattTime has announced the completion of the first-ever hourly electricity marginal emissions dataset for nearly every country worldwide. Today's data release expands the availability of hourly marginal emissions data to 210 countries and territories, covering nearly 100% of global electricity consumption on the world's power grids. Previously, only around 40 countries had such data. WattTime developed this dataset to enable more strategic climate action and emissions reductions decisions, particularly in regions that never had access to such granular and actionable data before.

These data allow users to estimate emissions based on when and where electricity is used, as well as the avoided emissions that can be achieved by investing in renewable energy projects in specific locations. Marginal emissions data empower corporate leaders, policymakers, and consumers to make decisions that reduce or avoid the most emissions.

Historically, a lack of accurate and actionable marginal emissions data has hindered climate action in much of the Global South and other developing countries. This data divide has slowed meaningful climate progress and clean energy deployments in the regions where it is needed most.

"Climate progress is needed worldwide, but all too often, the most cutting-edge, data-driven solutions are only made available in a select few wealthy countries," said Gavin McCormick, founder and executive director of WattTime. "But we will never beat climate change if emissions data experts keep ignoring the rest of the world — because frankly, that's where most emissions are. We're beyond excited to be leaping forward in our mission to give anyone, anywhere the tools needed to slash the emissions. Because we're all in this together."

"At Meta, we believe that using more accurate emissions data drives more informed and impactful climate action. The emissions from a megawatt-hour of electricity can vary widely by time and location, both within and across grids. WattTime's vastly expanded dataset will help all grid participants more accurately assess their carbon footprints and make more targeted climate investments to accelerate grid decarbonization globally," said Brent Morgan, Principal, Energy Strategy at Meta.

"Amazon is committed to making the global power grid carbon-free and more reliable for everyone. We recognize that carbon emissions from electricity generation vary by time and location, making accurate measurement complex. With the right data, we can now better understand the emissions impact of our energy consumption and clean energy purchases. The expanded data from WattTime offers crucial insights to target energy projects where they can have the greatest impact, helping to decarbonize the grid and make it more reliable for all," said Jake Oster, Amazon Web Services (AWS) Director of Energy, Environment and Sustainability Policy.

Marginal emissions data have many uses, but three use cases in particular have dramatic potential to reduce global emissions. Using data from the U.S. Department of Energy, the United Nations, and its own work, WattTime estimates that full global adoption of these three techniques alone could save the world over 9 gigatons of carbon emissions annually:

Renewables siting

Also referred to as "emissionality," this approach uses granular marginal emissions data to help renewable energy buyers target the dirtiest hours and locations on the grid. This approach allows buyers to maximize the climate benefit of their investments by displacing more carbon-intensive power.

WattTime has worked with partners like Apple, Boston University, ClearloopGeneral Motors (GM) Meta, Nucor, Salesforce, and The Nature Conservancy to enable emissionality-based procurement.

"You can't fix what you can't measure. At Salesforce, we use marginal emissions data to guide our procurement of renewables in locations around the world that can maximize emissions impact," said Megan Lorenzen, Director, Climate & Energy, Salesforce. "The expansion of this dataset will accelerate that work and help close the global data divide — a critical step in reaching our collective climate goals."

"In addition to speeding global emissions reductions, building more renewables in lower-income countries can provide concrete benefits for promoting peace in fragile regions. We at Energy Peace Partners know firsthand the power of expanding clean energy access among vulnerable populations. This dataset — if used well — will help corporate buyers better optimize their procurement and send stronger demand signals for clean energy projects that deliver decarbonization and social benefits together," said Doug Miller, director of market development at Energy Peace Partners.

Now that an emissionality-based approach is possible on a global scale, cloud computing company and WattTime partner PagerDuty has provided WattTime with a grant to help raise awareness of the solution among decision-makers in Global South countries.

Load shifting

Marginal emissions data can be used to power automated emissions reduction (AER) technology and other features that allow for the scheduling of flexible energy demand to reduce electricity-related emissions. Internet-connected devices, like smart thermostats and EV chargers, can use the data to forecast when energy consumption will be cleanest and shift power use to align with those times.

WattTime has worked with companies like Amazon, AppleBMWMicrosoft, and Toyota to deploy load-shifting solutions driven by marginal emissions data.

Supply chain decarbonization

WattTime's marginal emissions data can also be used to better understand the electricity-related emissions of a company's suppliers, allowing them to make better supplier decisions that contribute to decreases in Scope 3 emissions. WattTime is advancing this use case rapidly in its work with Climate TRACE — a global nonprofit coalition that provides open access to source-level emissions data for every sector and country in the world.

The full dataset is now available to WattTime partners through licensing agreements. A free and simplified version of the dataset suited for many emissions reduction use cases can be accessed by anyone via the WattTime API.

To learn more about opportunities to support or partner with WattTime, contact the team here.

About WattTime

WattTime is an environmental tech nonprofit that empowers all people, companies, policymakers, and countries to slash emissions and choose cleaner energy. Founded by UC Berkeley researchers, we develop data-driven tools and policies that increase environmental and social good. During the energy transition from a fossil-fueled past to a zero-carbon future, WattTime 'bends the curve' of emissions reductions to realize deeper, faster benefits for people and planet. Learn more at

Media Contact

Nikki Arnone, Inflection Point Agency for WattTime, 1 (719) 357-8344,

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