Data Signals

WattTime provides electricity grid-related data globally through an API to our partners to supercharge emissions reductions.

A 3D icon shows a trio of data visualizations in charts and graphs.
Device makers and software providers can incorporate one or more of WattTime’s data signals into their control algorithms and user interfaces to enable impact-aware load-shifting. Organizations procuring renewable energy can also use these data to select renewable energy projects in locations where they avoid more emissions (i.e., emissionality). These data allow you to optimize (or co-optimize) multiple end-user objectives beyond simply cost reduction, including reduction of carbon emissions or human health impacts.


Signal name

API signal_type

Default unit


CO2 lbs/MWh
Marginal Operating Emissions Rate of carbon dioxide. The change in emissions caused by a change in load or generation. The emissions rate applicable for quantifying the impact of electricity use or reduction at a particular time and place.
CO2 lbs/MWh
Average Operating Emissions Rate of carbon dioxide. The average emissions rate of all of the generators operating at a particular time, weighted by their energy output.
The human life and health impact of using electricity at a particular time and place, based on the air pollution of marginal electricity generation. Dollars used as a common numerical representation, the value of a statistical life (VSL).

Use case applicability

Signal name

Load shifting

Renewables siting

GHG accounting

Forecast used to optimize load flexibility for reducing CO2 emissions. Historical for quantifying the reduction achieved.
Used to measure the avoided CO2 of new renewable energy in different locations.
For calculating the reductions achieved by an intervention according to the GHGP Project Protocol. See also the Guidelines for Quantifying GHG Reductions from Grid-Connected Electricity Projects.
Load shifting using this signal wouldn’t reduce emissions, but many companies find the data helpful for calculating total annual footprint for GHGP Corporate Standard, Scope 2. Learn more about why marginal emissions are better than average emissions for impact accounting.
Forecast used to optimize load flexibility for reducing human health impacts. Historical for quantifying the reduction achieved.
Used to measure the health impacts of new renewable energy in different locations.