We are thrilled to announce that WattTime has received a substantial grant from the Great Lakes Protection Fund to lead a coalition of nonprofits and companies in reducing mercury pollution from coal plants. The project will be a collaboration between WattTime, Rocky Mountain Institute, National Wildlife Federation, Delta Institute, Energy Emissions Intelligence, and several corporate partners.
In 2008, a Federal court struck down the national Clean Air Mercury Rule that required coal-fired power plants to limit dangerous mercury emissions. With repeated attempts to replace the rule continuing to face uncertain political futures, badly-needed efforts to return to safe mercury levels in the Great Lakes have stalled.
Right now if you're using the power grid near the Great Lakes, you're dumping mercury in the water.
But a core WattTime value is choice. Whether it's mercury, carbon dioxide, or any other pollutant, we believe nobody should be allowed to make you pollute without your consent.
So in collaboration with this powerhouse team of leading names in environmental activism and technology, WattTime will be developing and deploying technology to make it possible for people in the area to tune their smart devices to “just say no” to drawing power from the dirtiest mercury-spewing coal plants. You can read more about the project here.
Would your smart home or smart building technology company like to showcase your eco-friendly credentials and join our pilot? There's still time to get involved: contact us to learn more.