As the world's workforce navigates the never-before-experienced economic effects of the coronavirus pandemic, the outlook for those in search of new jobs is discouraging. We are lucky to be one of the organizations out there that is still hiring at full force, and we feel grateful that we have the resources to continue our work without missing a beat.
As an energy and technology nonprofit, we offer a unique opportunity to work for an organization that functions like a startup, but is driven by mission over pure dollar signs. This enables us to optimize for impact—and it’s working. Our Automated Emissions Reduction (AER) technology is getting regulatory adoption in the U.S. in April, we’re launching in more countries through our satellite work, and we have even more exciting projects going public later this year. All of these things put us closer to our vision of making AER available everywhere for everyone in the next 3–5 years, and we need more folks onboard to get there.
WattTime is hiring for the below areas: